Playlists 2021
Playlist der 614. RauschZeit vom 07.01.2021
01 . Waldrick - Darknet
02 . Raketenbasis Haberlandstraße - Der Meisenknödel Brennt / Als Die Letzte Maus in Barmbek Starb
03 . Signalstörung - S5
04 . Dazzling Malicious - The Stairwell (Eschers Trap)
05 . Spherical Disrupted - DTLF (Lambversion)
06 . Blush Response - Void Out
07 . Maschinenkrieger KR52 - Ocean
08 . Yura Yura - Undead
09 . Winterkälte - TBT
10 . Le Moderniste - Untitled P45-m
11 . Dirty K. - Be Yourself Everyone Is Taken
12 . Kaffee Und Kuchen - Hamburg (Gehirn, Implosion)
13 . <1979> - Decay
14 . Hacki/ Yashi Evolute - Soufleefresse
15 . VSK - Grida E Caos
16 . Mono No Aware - The Future Is Not Formatted
17 . Monolith - No Shade In The Shadow
18 . Rita Maomenus - Lost Humanity
19 . TweakerRay - Droniverse IV
20 . Aehm - Seven Months
21 . Salt - Resinate
22 . Roel Funcken - Antheraea Holyphemux
23 . Camilla Pisani - Music Makes Victims
Playlist der 615. RauschZeit vom 21.01.2021
01 . Front Line Assembly - Feeder
02 . Stereo_IMG - Ethical & Moral Lines
03 . Dohnavur - Accept And Move On
04 . Tewl - Yeend Lights
05 . You Man - Altered States
06 . Milio - Blue Imagination
07 . Pyrame - Drifting Off The Grid (Skelesys Remix)
08 . Applescal - Cymbals Rush
09 . Sylac - Legacy System Collapse
10 . Wesenberg - Baikonur (Airflow Mix By The Negativity B.I.A.S.)
11 . Bradley - Demons
12 . Basscadet - Zoomin
13 . Caustic - Insomniac
14 . Klack - Rhythm Of The System
15 . Philip Adeon - Integrated Circuitry
16 . Siamgda - Do Not Tell Me What To Do
17 . Mirvcore - We Are The Ones That Dwell Within
18 . Primitik - I Die For You
19 . Olympic Pool Maintenance League - Camel Privilege
20 . Abe Duque - 11-27-2019_24
21 . Wolandroid - Dogma
22 . George Kochbeck - Jupiter In March
23 . Pleq - The Lost
24 . Alarmen - Habitat (Everything But Subtle Remix By Nerthus)
Playlist der 616. RauschZeit vom 04.02.2021
01 . Spherical Disrupted & Darkrad - Transneptunian Objects (Yura Yura Remix)
02 . Templegarden's - Deadalus Verge
03 . Natura Est - The Soil
04 . Andreas Davids & Sven Phalanx - Black Hole
05 . Alarmen - Introduced Vulnerabilities
06 . Scorn - Elephant
07 . 13th Monkey - Kraken (Crete Mix By Capsular)
08 . Gus & Rosaceae - Rosa
09 . Jetztmann/Wallraf - Nizza NY
10 . Philipp Münch - No Story (At All)
11 . 1979 - Coma
12 . Harsh Mentor - Majin
13 . Last Days Of S.E.X . - Enigma 23
14 . Mono No Aware - In Endless Change
15 . Hypnoskull - Die Würde Immer Aber
16 . KiEw - Sauberkeit
17 . Sielwolf - Nachtstrom
18 . Riotmiloo - Define Normal (Katharsis Mix)
Playlist der 617. RauschZeit vom 18.02.2021
01 . Konvlikt - Chalk
02 . Dark Frequencer - The Magic Words
03 . Villaborghese - Rising (Borderwave Remix)
04 . Aki Himannen & Aleksi Kinnunen - Plastic Rain (PEG Remix)
05 . Jeremy Inkel - Embrace
06 . Balfa - Auto Introducción (Oscar Mulero Remix)
07 . Tapefeed - Unshackle
08 . Mono-Amine - Perfection Is Not Just About Control
09 . Shadows - Braindance
10 . Enduser - On Point / No Return
11 . Alexandra Atnif - Dislogded Spiritual Equilibrium
12 . Unified Method - She Had A Moment
13 . Barcoder - Bloodshot Eyes (Feat. The Plastic Eulogy)
14 . BPMF - The Big Lie
15 . Edgar De Ramon - Rave Again
16 . Optionica - Biomechanics (Illocanblo Remix)
17 . Tineidae - Door To Hell
18 . Paul Birken - Rubbish Bag Batting Cage
19 . Inoperative System - Others
20 . Raul Alvarez - Unexpected Scape
21 . Tewl - Crescent Shaped Leaves
22 . NSX - Teach Me How To Love
23 . PerfluXe - Delirium
24 . Vardenzenix - Kintaro
25 . Somatoast - Broken Bits
26 . Lapsed - 5.7
Playlist der 618. RauschZeit vom 04.03.2021
01 . Rendered - Puppetskin
02 . Inyan - Still (Signalstoerung Remix)
03 . Dazzling Malicious - The Ghost Cat And The Witch House (Remix By Config.sys)
04 . Internal Fusion - Mais Qui Est Vous? #7
05 . Sunao Inami - 2020-0814
06 . MDD - System Downfall
07 . Kinimod - Track 4
08 . Ontal - Penetration
09 . I Hate Models - The Night Is Our Kingdom
10 . Antony Doria - Confusion
11 . Strobo.Lolita - Kampfansage
12 . Recon - Our Streets
13 . Maschinenkrieger KR52 - Gluttony
14 . Dirty K. - A Wish Full Of Dreams
15 . [Fabrikmutter] - She Loves Pain (And Enjoys It)
16 . Yua Yura - Brume
17 . Hypnoskull - Krank Vor Wut
18 . Mono No Aware - Backfall
19 . Derailment - Losing My Shadow
20 . [L]e Complex - In Silence (Just Let Me Die)
21 . Barcoder - Bloodshot Eyes (Feat. The Plastic Eulogy)
22 . Mochipet - Godzilla Atom Laser Breath
23 . .Kri Tik - Constellation
24 . Hhnoi - Bomb Nap
25 . Déssaccord Majeur - Nomos
26 . Roel Funcken - Promethean Plunder Mix Part 2 (Excerpt)
Playlist der 619. RauschZeit vom 18.03.2021
01 . Hendekagon - A New Beginning
02 . Elias Zorn - Black Meditation (Signalstoerung Remix)
03 . Mandelbrot - Time Machine I
04 . Chaotalion - Z7000GATE0017Z
05 . Francis Theberge - The Burial Of Wiliam B Part II
06 . Thedi - Bei Nolte (Live At Nolte Winterwunder-Sommerloch-Geburtstagsgala 2021)
07 . The Trial - Geisterfahrer (Crushed And Disposed By Spherical Disrupted)
08 . Hezzel - You Rise You Fall
09 . Force Majeure - Open Wounds On Terra Firma
10 . Eva|3 - Théorie:Redux
11 . Hypnoskull - Random+Anti
12 . Trepaneringsritualen - Feral Me (Codex Empire Remix)
13 . MDD - Dives
14 . Synpascape - Turnout
15 . Mono No Aware - After The X-periment (Config.sys Remix)
16 . Strobo.Lolita - Instabiles Bild
17 . Last Days Of S.E.X. - Fnord
18 . Blac Kolor - New Leader (Rendered Rmix)
19 . Phil Nova - Exit Strategy
20 . Crass - Women (Spit Mask Remix)
21 . Drumcorps - Human Nature
22 . [basementgrrr] - Self-Destruct
Playlist der 620. RauschZeit vom 01.04.2021
01 . The Negativity B.I.A.S. - 4 The Squad
02 . Lärmschutz - Mäniac Mänsion
03 . Basscadet - Quarantine
04 . Picnicboy - Corosion
05 . Paul Birken - Fumigating Flesh
06 . Spankthenun - Rotting Meat (iVardensphere Remix)
07 . Skalski - Deconstructed Christ
08 . Transistorcake - Grenadine (Curses Edit)
09 . Matuss - Alien Is My Boyfriend
10 . Patenbrigade:Wolff - Ostberliner Bauarbeiter (Club Mix)
11 . Front Line Assembly - Mechanism
12 . Jabber - Into Orbit
13 . Hendekagon - Fervent Dots (INYAN Remix)
14 . Kuvera B - The Fall Of Our Castles (Drvg Cvltvre Remix)
15 . Siamgda - Bimbara Bambare
16 . Blac Kolor - The Prophecy
17 . Exilles - Pure Dimension (Martyn Hare Remix)
18 . Gamlaskatten - Wostok 1
19 . Phil Nova - 00b Attack Of The Zyu
20 . Yura Yura - Undead
21 . Tans - Contamination
22 . Mono No Aware - The Future is Not Formatted
23 . Maschinenkrieger KR52 - Animal Warefare
24 . Stahlschlag - Wohlstandstrotz
25 . Xotox - The Price We Pay For Happiness
26 . Alarmen - Anticipate (TKR Broken Remix)
Playlist der 621. RauschZeit vom 15.04.2021
01 . Blush Response - Innenin
02 . Lieutnant Caramel Versus Parrhesia Sound System - Carpette Volante
03 . In Tenebris - Mankind
04 . Kanz - Conditions
05 . Adam X - Search & Retrival 1
06 . MDD - Grind
07 . Max Durante - Machine Gun
08 . Kuvera B - The Fall Of Our Castles (Drvg Cvltvre Remix)
09 . ICD-10 - Wrong Way Driving
10 . Thomas P. Heckmann - Outrage
11 . Blac Kolor - The New Leader (The Horrorist Remix)
12 . This Morn' Omina - The Nothing Space
13 . Hypogeo & Electrypnose - F__k With The Android (Ewake rmx)
14 . GLP - Endless Space
15 . Xotox - UFO (Wesenberg Remix)
16 . E23N42SF - East Melody
17 . Marred - All The World Drops Dead
18 . 808 Dot Pop - Kelvin (4200)
19 . Luca Draccar - The Rest Is Noise
20 . Cosmic Kingsnake - Zambezi
21 . Anyer & Quantum - Moonlight Flowers Blossom In Casket Hills (Portal To Madness)
22 . Átheos & Humanfobia - La Llorona
23 . Hypnos - VarilV
Playlist der 622. RauschZeit vom 29.04.2021
01 . Francis Theberge - Doom Jazz Variation IV (Hendekagon Remix)
02 . r.roo - Ghost Dance
03 . Konvlikt - Robot Funk
04 . Monodogue - Crush Rythm
05 . Leonard Lampion - Club For Dummies
06 . Blac Kolor - New Leader (Rendered Remix)
07 . Phil Nova - The Secret Code Behind The Scenes
08 . Acidulant - Vistatrap
09 . Acid Vatican - King Of The Gods
10 . The Noise Floor - TNF010101
11 . 13th Monkey - Kraken (Version)
12 . Lenny Dee & Malke - Liberate The Aggression
13 . Ambassador21 - War Is Peace
14 . Strobo.Lolita - Annäherungsversuch
15 . Hypnoskull - Technodeath (20 Schemes Of)
16 . Heimstatt Yipotash - Confirmation Bias
17 . Beinhaus - Kein Verlust
18 . Synapscape - Confessions
19 . TC75 - No Way Out (3-Sphere Mix By Spherical Disrupted)
20 . Blitzkrieg Baby - Cannibal Commando (Ancient Methods Remix)
21 . Signalstoerung - a3
Playlist der 623. RauschZeit vom 13.05.2021
01 . C.H. District - Modular Live From Studio (Excerpt)
02 . Taciturne - Chill Out
03 . Björk - Virus (Zetterstroem Remix)
04 . Munit - Superbunny
05 . Monolake - Alu Minimum
06 . Ermanspeed - Cornucopia Suite (Part 2, End)
07 . VSK - Coniugazione E Risonanza
08 . Edgey - Hate Tank
09 . Techlevel 2 - Revolt
10 . Splinter Cell - Apocalypse
11 . Hallucinator & Maztek - Wall Of Death
12 . Lowroller - Payback Time
13 . I:Gor - Total Confusion
14 . Dirty K - Putting Holes In The Sadness
15 . The Last Days Of S.E.X. - Enigma 23
16 . Plinn 1518 - Michael M
17 . Franz Rosati & Plaster - Validation And Inference Of High Resolution Invocations
18 . Knifeoutofexistence - The Future Grows Beneath My Skin
19 . The [Law-Rah]-Collective - Sicktone
20 . The Allegorist - Unlimited Dedication
21 . Fnord - Xenopater
22 . Oxyd - Symbols
23 . Artillery Nightspace - How To Destroy Angels
Playlist der 624. RauschZeit vom 27.05.2021
01 . Spherical Disrupted - Grau (Version By Facles Deformis)
02 . Topher - Twilight Savings
03 . Escaped Trees - +C La Recherche De La Chitine Perdu
04 . Mitoma - Waxing Gibbous
05 . Moaan Exis - Arise
06 . Lenny Dee - Extreme Mesh (The Intro)
07 . Atrox & Ms'sm - 14Min Delirium
08 . Monster X - Boots
09 . Ontal - Foray
10 . Libido Formandi - Loneliness At The Age Of Individualism
11 . Silk Saw - Knockers
12 . Lucidstatic - Stepping On Your Hopes And Dreams
13 . ESA - No-One Will Ever Touch You
14 . Exocet - Narcoholica
15 . Testube - Big White Lies
16 . Slam 52 - Frosd
17 . Flint Glass - Suicide Inside: Angel
18 . Xsodect - Behind
19 . Polygon - Zeitvertreib
20 . Dekode - The Promise I Made
21 . Organoid - Cassini
22 . Conjecture - Ground Offensive
Playlist der 625. RauschZeit vom 10.06.2021
01 . Alarmen - Found (Excerpt)
02 . KiEw - Retrograd VIII (Zonvorner Mix by Diezel Tea)
03 . Fail & Hendekagon - Rust VI
04 . Kult303 - Metamorphosis
05 . Hypnoskull - Disruptive Behaviour NWO
06 . Greyhound - One Step Forward
07 . Synapscape - It Ain't Right
08 . Siamgda - Yes For Life (Here Version)
09 . SY23 - 7
10 . Phil Nova - Ornament And Crime
11 . Black Asteroid - Muscle
12 . Callisto Ghost - The Pasttracker (Chip Mix)
13 . diGlitch - J-Bots Conflict
14 . Klirre - Noael
15 . Björn Peng - Raus hier
16 . Molosser's Music Crew - Ich push den Gain
17 . Perc - Hyperlink (Tymon Remix)
18 . Strobo.Lolita - Ausgelöscht
19 . S.K.E.T. - Dash National States!
20 . Andreas Davids & Sven Phalanx - Neptun (Herbsthimmel)
21 . HSV - Robin's Floor
22 . Alarmen - Lost (Excerpt)
Playlist der 626. RauschZeit vom 24.06.2021
01 . Blac Kolor - Repentance
02 . Talvekoidik - Panic
03 . Apparat - Daniel
04 . Yaka-Anima & Revolution Peak - Morrigan vs. Sasquatch (Tribute To Darkstalkers)
05 . Sleep Clinic - Another Brown World
06 . Flint Glass - Are You Shivering
07 . Weinglas - Spaß Im Kindergarten
08 . Alienated Entity - Hidden Meanings
09 . Shrouds - Fear And Chaos, The Currencies Of Control
10 . Philipp Münch - Remember Your Harmonic Self
11 . Syl Kougai - Les Jardins Magnétiques
12 . Countermeasures Electronics - You
13 . Rekahoe - The Blind Leading The Deaf Feat. MC Kemst
14 . Noire Antidote - Trade Voids
15 . Ermanspeed - Cornucopia Suite (Part 2, End)
16 . Kuvera B - Locked Between Theri Walls (Babaal Remix)
17 . Markov - Journey To The Edge Of The Universe
18 . Templ3r - La Crime Par La Pensée
19 . Thlaaflaa - That's How It Perishes
20 . Steam, Opuswerk - The Bluff
21 . Konvlikt - Wonk
22 . Langax - Blackbox
23 . Eks.Center - Nightfall
24 . Ciccarelli / Michelangeli & Plaster - Hymn To The Darkest Era
25 . Diesonic Divine - Drift
Playlist der 627. RauschZeit vom 08.07.2021
01 . Monodogue - Crush Rythm
02 . Bias - Fragile Stability
03 . Sans-Fin - Le Survol (Extended)
04 . Talvekoidik - Out Of Place
05 . Hezzel - A Lesser God
06 . BMSK - First Wednesday Of November
07 . Chris & Cosey - Re:Rise (Re:Search Mix)
08 . Black Asteroid - Dust (Liebknecht Remix)
09 . Crystal Geometry - We Follow The Left Hand Path
10 . ICD-10 - No Mercy
11 . Acid Vatican - Bad Knife Blues
12 . Phil Nova - Detroit In Ruins
13 . Ethan Fawkes - Rave On 303
14 . Beukhoven Sloopwerken - Destdon
15 . Blac Kolor - New Leader (Ah Cama-Sotz Remix)
16 . Serge Geyzel - Don't Bother
17 . Raver's Diary - 38 Visitantes
18 . 13th Monkey - Oxidizing
19 . Kuvera B - Over The Ground
20 . Vi Ta Lee - Concept A
21 . Xotox - Die Zeitmaschine
22 . Spherical Disrupted - Crust
Playlist der 628. RauschZeit vom 22.07.2021
01 . Cruise [ctrl] - Dreams Make Stars
02 . Subhumanizer - Lost In The Digital Labyrinth
03 . Thomas P. Heckmann - Parallelwelt
04 . Ross Harper - Feel III
05 . Phil Nova - Ikosahedron Spaceship
06 . Sans-Fin - Supériorité
07 . Black Asteroid - Dust
08 . Schwefelgelb - Es Zieht Mich (Crystal Geometry Remix)
09 . Müzmin - Cascading Steps
10 . Quelza - Zenith
11 . Roux - We Are Doomed
12 . Na-Hag - Dead Insects Colonies
13 . Templ3r - A True Horror Corporation Feat. Incendie (Orphx Remix)
14 . Yura Yura - Lakrimal
15 . Fabrikmutter - Storm
16 . ICD-10 - Hitech Warfare
17 . Philipp Münch - Tickle Your Tongue
18 . Steam, Opuswerk - Eat Your Heart Out
19 . Digital.rape + mnfctr - Torn
20 . Wire - Word
21 . Sylvgheist Maelström - Strange Birds
22 . Somatic Responses - Model D1
23 . Formax Void - Void Gate Panorama Station
Playlist der 629. RauschZeit vom 05.08.2021
01 . Logical Disorder - Severe
02 . Seki Takashi - Struggle
03 . Weinglas - Der Erste Schluck Rotwein
04 . Astrovia - Sievert Alert
05 . Dazzling Malicious - A Dream In A Witch House Part 1 (Submerged Memories)
06 . Signalstoerung - S6
07 . =mp45= - Nightfeeling
08 . Sunao Inami - Hope You're Happy Too
09 . Ivy Told A Secret - Eyes Everywhere
10 . Balfa - Posmodernism (Blush Response Remix)
11 . Mono No Aware - Morph
12 . NMX - Hunter Killer
13 . Gamlaskatten - Stratosfären
14 . The Last Days Of S.E.X. - Support To The Conscientious Obkectors (Antimilaristic Mix)
15 . Maschinenkrieger KR52 - Inferno
16 . Offensive:Winter - One Day Your Are Going To Kill Me And I'm Not Going To Regret It
17 . Somatic Responses - GB_b7
18 . Tale Twist - Deserted Desolation
19 . Synkretic - Athlesthetic
20 . Diesonic Divine - Drift
21 . Variant Field - Letting Go (Spring)
22 . Abdicant - Digr
23 . Project Hybrid - Microdose
24 . Fetal Distress - S Is For Sleep
25 . Flavien Gillié - 11 476 279 De Beiges
Playlist der 630. RauschZeit vom 19.08.2021
01 . Phasenmensch - Funkenflug
02 . Francis Theberge - Trimmes003
03 . Errorbeauty - Return To OZ
04 . Nurse With Wound - Rock'n'Roll Station
05 . Blink Twice - Exiled
06 . Snog - Hooray!! (Haujobb And The Breath Of Destruction)
07 . Capslock - Malmoe
08 . Somatic Responses - Perfumed Ammo
09 . Tale Twist - Deserted Desolation
10 . - Data Transmit
11 . Imminent - Tsalp
12 . Philipp Münch - Hysteria
13 . Converter - Spasm
14 . Cazzodio - Processione De Larve Cristiane
15 . Synth-Etik - Electrotyp
16 . Shrouds - Fear And Chaos, The Currencies Of Control
17 . 16Pad Noise Terrorist - Moogred II (Huren Remix)
18 . Xyphax - Ereximus
19 . M4T - Hybrid
20 . =mp45= - Nightfeeling
21 . Ocoeur - IM2a
22 . Eeem [eim] - Outdoors (Not Counting Rems)
23 . Arsine Tibé - Bernstein
Playlist der 631. RauschZeit vom 02.09.2021
01 . Andreas Davids & Sven Phalanx - A Galaxy Unknown
02 . Fumus & Nebula - Stone
03 . Wesenberg & Eli Van Vegas - Salz
04 . Daddybear - Science Fiction (feat. grabyourface)
05 . Alternate Current - Lying In The Gloom
06 . Bias - Nuke
07 . ICD-10 - Simex
08 . Trismus - Lack Of Hope
09 . Acid Vatican - King Of The Gods
10 . Phil Nova - Let It All Out!
11 . Thomas P. Heckmann - Machine Banger
12 . Sans-Fin - Fermé
13 . Crystal Geometry - 1312 Bombs
14 . Codex Empire - Mental Recession
15 . Plukkk - Error 303
16 . Raver's Diary - Escorpião
17 . Strobo.Lolita - Absturz
18 . I Hate Models - The Night Is Our Kingdom
19 . Kult303 - Azwan
20 . The Rorschach Garden - Concrete City Concrete Walls
21 . Callisto Ghost - The Nightwatch
22 . Fail & Hendekagon - Rust V
Playlist der 632. RauschZeit vom 16.09.2021
01 . ICD-10 - Flatline
02 . Orphx - Veil Of Dream
03 . Scuba+DOMiNii - Touch
04 . Datolar - Mekong
05 . Quenok - Knight Rider (Neutron404 Remix)
06 . Devils Breath - Schwarz (Devil's Breath 7.teen Deadly Sins Remix)
07 . Acustiche - Noises Of Husks Walking
08 . W.A.S.T.E. - Seeing Red
09 . Tom Relics - In The Flesh
10 . Wesenberg - Earthbound
11 . Antechamber - Destruction & Hope
12 . B R 1 0 0 2 - Damage Control
13 . War Scenes - Peccadillo
14 . Sans-Fin - Destruction
15 . Blush Response - Spiritual Bypass
16 . Last Days Of S.E.X. - Center Of Attention
17 . Maschinenkrieger KR52 - Nepi
18 . Dirty K - Mentally Clouded
19 . 上海星屑 - Experimental Jet Set, Trash & No Star
20 . MS Gentur - Denial
21 . Strobo.Lolita - Unheil
22 . Areal Kollen - Dragula Supreme (Resurrected By Mak Jeep Jeff)
23 . Y.a.M.A. - Vanilla Sky
24 . Electric Garden - Floating
25 . Eeem [eim] - Pastoral (Far Away)
Playlist der 633. RauschZeit vom 30.09.2021
01 . Alarmen - Habitat (Everything But Subtile Remix By Nerthus)
02 . Signalstoerung - A2
03 . Cervello Elettronico - Cannibal (Survival Mix)
04 . Stephan Krus - Hexagon
05 . Monolith - Poison
06 . Max Durante - Alte Revolution
07 . Sans-Fin - Destruction
08 . Yura Yura - Lakrimal
09 . Synapscape - Dirty Deal
10 . Hypnoskull - Everybody Else
11 . Crystal Geometry - Political Prisoners
12 . Michael Wells - Moonstomper
13 . Raver's Diary - Delay de Distorção
14 . Codex Empire - Vanquisher
15 . Winterkälte - Protect Ecosystems (Act Now)
16 . Strobo.Lolita - Unheil
17 . Xotox - Industrial Madness
18 . Mono No Aware - Pounding
19 . 13th Monkey - Shadez (EA Mix)
20 . Kader vs Carnage & Cluster - Afraid
21 . Vi Ta Lee & Lenny Dee - Ping
22 . Bombardier - Punisher
23 . Ultra - Rewind
24 . INYAN - They're
Playlist der 634. RauschZeit vom 14.10.2021
01 . Mochipet – Godzillafather Rick Owens Fogachine (Runway Mix)
02 . Golghota Communications – Cedar Whori
03 . Datolar – Mekong
04 . Alice Flynn – Angels Will Guide The Wicked
05 . Max Durante – Der Gedanken Hinter Den Gedanken
06 . Wesenberg – Earthbound
07 . Esplendor Geométrico – La Ruta de La Seda
08 . Antechamber – Primitive Forces
09 . Matter – Prediction
10 . Tefnect – Empyreal
11 . Greyhound – Vanished Years
12 . Knifedoutofexistence – Cast A Shadow
13 . Torn Relics – Take Cover
14 . Esplendor Geométrico – La Ruta de La Seda
15 . <1979> – Hope
16 . Gamlaskatten – Cold War
17 . Sylac – Payload Delivery Mechanism
18 . Polarlicht 4.1 – Notre-Dame (Sylvgheist Maelstrom Remix)
19 . Soldiers Of Nothingness Knights Exceptional – There Is Slow Future
20 . Spherical Disrupted And Darkrad – Transneptunian Objects (Sednoid)
21 . Emmanuel De La Paix – Birch Forest
22 . Zebbler Encanti Experience – A Fixed Point In Motion Feat. Dan Muiqueen
Playlist der 635. RauschZeit vom 28.10.2021
01 . Wesenberg – Digging In Clouds
02 . Eddie Entropy – Halloween 2009 (Excerpt)
03 . A Thousand Details – Loyalty Of Sheep
04 . Nørbak – Vulto
05 . Roll Dann – A Few Months Before
06 . Quelza – Zenith
07 . Dani Sbert & Lampe – Anaconda (Carlo Ruetz Mix)
08 . Olympic Pool Maintenance League – Calculous Exchange
09 . Martin Kinrus – Mind Stone (Original Mix)
10 . Max Durante – Der Löwenzahn (Leather Jackets And Knives Version)
11 . Kaiser – All Got On Their Knees
12 . Matter – Surplus
13 . Filip Xavi – Ten Steps Ahead
14 . Dist – Distortion
15 . Eerie Volver – Conditioned Reflexes
16 . Joefarr – Stock Form
17 . Monolith – Poison
18 . Hysteresis – Pfaos
19 . AL.XTC – Deus Doom
20 . JKS – Get Crackin‘
21 . Orion – Cereb
22 . Heimstatt Yipotash – Recoil (Retaliation)
23 . This Morn‘ Omina – The Mongooseking
24 . Eeem [eim] – Time To Go
Playlist der 636. RauschZeit vom 11.11.2021
01 . Iván Muela – Ecstasy Burst Into Our Eyes
02 . Θ & Nyppy – Photon
03 . Inskape – Wasteland Dawn
04 . Zainetica – Troubled Step
05 . HRZL – Two Contours
06 . Spherical Disrupted & TC75 – Basalt (Trilogy Remix)
07 . Corvx – Fear
08 . Gamlaskatten – Black Gold
09 . Zaax – Spacid Dance
10 . Drvg Cvltvre – Instead Of Twat Promoters Making A Fast Buck
11 . Mrs Dink – Hive Mind (Drvg Cvltvre Remix)
12 . Heimstatt Yipotash – Recoil (Retaliation)
13 . Max Durante – Das Gift
14 . Synapscape – Dirty Deal (Imperial Black Unit Remix)
15 . Crystal Geometry – Praxis
16 . Codex Empire – Hoggar Circle
17 . Monya – Gegen die Wand (feat . Huren)
18 . 13th Monkey – Exhibition
19 . I Hate Models – Werewolf Disco Club
20 . Callisto Ghost – Black Light Engines
21 . Steve Moore – I Think We’re Gonna Be Fine
Playlist der 637. RauschZeit vom 25.11.2021
01 . Roger Rotor - Pulsating
02 . Thomas P. Heckmann - Lancet
03 . Mc1r - Waste (Mrdtc Remix)
04 . XMH - Dream
05 . Barium Network - Vertical
06 . Flesh - Hotter Than Hell (Feat. The Horrorist)
07 . Lunacybot - Made Of Death
08 . Subliminal Noize Vs. Tocee Vs. Baterist Sintetic - … With A Strictly Electronic Beat (TRANSPONDER Remix)
09 . Siamgda - Tribal Blood
10 . Blac Kolor - Viper
11 . Si Begg - Aspiration
12 . Querpusher - Emptyset (Subspace Distorters Vs. LFO Remix)
13 . Salt - Twirlwind (We Are Maschinfest)
14 . Monolith - Louse
15 . Schwefelgelb - Der Klang Der Trommel
16 . Kaibun - We Are Mainstream)
17 . Devils Breath - Anarchy (Jóhann Eriksson Remix)
18 . Piece Of Acid - Der Große Knall
19 . One Track Brain - APE (Heiko Laux Remix)
20 . Xotox - UFO (Probe Remix)
21 . Trylon - Kolavim
22 . Luca Draccar - The Rest Is Noise
23 . The Allegorist - Desired Changes
Playlist der 638. RauschZeit vom 09.12.2021
01 . Fail - Not Very Muchness
02 . Signalstoerung - X
03 . 16Pad Noise Terrorist - Anakr_n1sm
04 . Foil - Environnement
05 . RA-X - Bunker029 - B2 - Untitled
06 . Matter - Experiential Realities
07 . Synapscape - The Chase
08 . Keumel - Badman Opps
09 . Crystal Geometry - Hopeless
10 . Mono No Aware - Follow Me
11 . Distortion Six - Gaushe (Gaahl)
12 . Strobo.Lolita - Unheil
13 . Maedon - American Dream (Unmasked Version)
14 . Keepsakes - Only The Dregs Remain
15 . Black Asteroid - Dust
16 . Bombardier - Mortality
17 . Gamlaskatten - Disruption
18 . Catastrophe Noise - Broken Machine (Sabbat)
19 . Krummhörens Kuhlen - Pösgraben Nord
20 . Am Not - Autopia Now
21 . Ultra - Akorie
22 . INYAN - Ten
23 . Chaotalion - Z7000RAIN0007Z
Playlist der 639. RauschZeit vom 23.12.2021
01 . Francis Theberge & Hendekagon - B1
02 . Higel Samways - Mlle De Poitier
03 . Ajunahee - The Ancient Path
04 . Broken Fabiola - Triple Sun
05 . Noyzelab - CPM DRN 6
06 . Zguba - Pomór
07 . Kellerboxer - Heilig
08 . Lustmord - Metastatic Resonance
09 . Macrogramma - Il Mio Sogno É Di Avere I Poteri Elettrici (Original Mix)
10 . David Cordero - Amanece Que No Es Poco
11 . Internal Fusion - VirHatem
12 . Alarmen - Lost
13 . Ecki Stieg - Shoreland 2
14 . Pandacetamol - Aesthetic Preservation
15 . Celer - Wondering Where You Are
#712: 10.10.24 - Playlist
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#713: 24.10.24
#714: 07.11.24
#715: 21.11.24